Review of...Apex DVD Player

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your probablt thinking, WOW! a DVD player for 25 bucks is a FUCKING BARGAIN! Well if you ever bought an Apex DVD player for $25, expect it to be worthless.

Nevertheless, it still does play DVDs. good.

lets open the box.

HOLY SHIT! the power button is UPSIDE DOWN! i didnt know bats could create a dvd player. but dont worry, just PULL THE BUTTON OUT and swich it around. wonderful.

ok, there is an open button, play, next, previous, etc.

now lets go the remote. its a plain and simple remote. it should work well, right?

Whoa, whats this shift button? its scaring the shit outta me. well, if you on a menu of a dvd, you HAVE TO press the shift button to go to other sections of the menu. shit. well, ok, lets play the damn DVD.

eh, this part is boring. lets go to the next chapter. (presses the chapter button pointing UP. WTF? it takes me to the previous chapter!!! what happens if i press down? OH FUCK IT TOOK ME TO THE NEXT CHAPTER! logic obviously wasnt a factor into making this DVD player.

i just love how if you press "repeat" to repeat the dvd, there is a box that says "REPEAT ON" up to the top left, and it just stays there throughout the entire DVD. jesus, give me a break. and also, that damn shift button stays on the bottom right corner. uhg...

well thats all for my review. im pissed off right now.

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